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For Level 2 Program Graduates
Living, Loving and Leading
in the Way of the Mysterial Woman

“We are the ones who stand at the pivotal point of human evolution. We are the light-bringers the retrievers and integrators of the fertile darkness. We are the weavers of peace in a frayed world of fear, greed and violence, the visionaries who have come to see the whole in the midst of the scattered fragments. We are the ones who have come to call ourselves home.”

– Vajra Ma

Stepping into Emergent Inquiry

What does it mean to be a woman on the edge of evolution and how can you continue to receive support as you align your outer expression with your inner Mysterial essence and make your much needed creative contribution in the world?
  • How to bring your Mysterial essence in the midst of the stress and uncertainty of the challenging circumstances of today
  • How to cultivate the Mysterial capacities in very practical everyday life situations
  • How to show up in a Mysterial way in your health, relationships, work, family dynamics and the larger world
  • How to bring online the Mysterial Meta Capacities of MultiDimensional Knowing and Embracing ParadoxAuthentic Presence and Energy StewardshipGenerative Mutuality and Tending the FieldInfluencing System Resonance and Unfolding the Emergent. 

Our collective container for this exploration will include Level 2 Emergence graduates, as well as the earlier program graduates from WILA (Women’s Integral Leadership Advanced). Come nourish your intentions, your deepest dreams and your expression of Mysterial Leadership in this co-creative field.

Our co-creative experience will unfold as we go along – embracing both structure and emergence as we encourage leadership in one another.

Join Us

What’s Included

Monthly Live Zoom Circles with Suzanne

1st Thursday of each month
12pm – 2:00pm PDT

Timing is intended to reach Australian, European and American Mysterials, so we know it isn’t perfect for everyone.

Recordings will be posted within 24 hours.

Option to submit questions or topics ahead of time if you can’t be there live, in order to still weave yourself further into receiving the energy of the group gathering. These 2 hour zoom meetings will be facilitated by Suzanne with members self-selecting to Open and Close the Circle.

Developed in an emergent way to respond to the needs in the group, these live sessions with be different each time. We will primarily be working with the embodiment of the Mysterial Meta Capacities and deepening further into the Mysterial archetypal work, Human Design, the Enneagram, Integral Theory and Collective Field Building. There will be deep dives together in smaller triads where you will explore the theme of the session and allow your own knowing and the wisdom of the field to arise.

We will experience both a holding structure and emergent creation. We will explore the capacities required to be able to be in the many difficult conversations and actions that are required these days as we live, love and lead through these challenging times.

Mighty Networks Online Community Group

From the main Mysterial Murmuration Mighty Network, we will have a private group with various areas for topics, events, and more. Whatever is ‘up’ for you can be shared, witnessed, received and held by sister Mysterials and Suzanne.

We also provide an intimate journaling space within our community where you can write about your insights and share your experiences with your sister Mysterials as you move through the container.

Opening and Closing of Sessions

Each month, you are offered an invitation to practice Mysterial Leadership by acting as the Opener or Closer of our sessions.

Optional Monthly Small Group Flock

For those who would like more regular and intimate connection in a group of 3-6, you can reach out to others in the group with this invitation. This is completely optional and will be a supportive and more intimate container to deepen around our theme for the month. Your learning partners will collectively decide when and how often you meet.

Optional peer-led Share Your Gifts Circles

Supportive structure for sister Mysterials who would like to share their knowledge, wisdom and understanding through co-facilitation, teaching, or guiding the circle. As an example, the first Mastery in the Spring of 2020 was fertile ground for self-led circles to form around the practice of Yoga Nidra, and the exploration of anti-racism. While such specifics are not directly addressed in the live monthly whole-group circles, we encourage you to share your passion for branching topics by self-organizing ways to connect.

Accountability for leadership practices

Whether you need to re-establish, reinforce, or re-design your practices, you can open to loving accountability in this program. Maybe your Morning Practice is rusty, boring, or non-existent! Maybe your Shaping the Self practice needs to be re-envisioned? Maybe you’ve forgotten all about the core technology of Deep Practice for these triggering times? Maybe your Conscious Intention needs re-tuning. This is not about launching into them all, but discerning which will be the best leverage to further your Mysterial nature.

A Fertile Field Where New Seed Ideas Can be Planted

As needs, desires and ideas for other elements arise, this rich field can receive them. A few examples:

  • Peer-led Focus Intention Circles to leverage the collective field, where each woman is held in her focus intention statement for two weeks at a time. This could also be something that the Flocks choose to do.
  • A healing circle to send loving energy and prayers to specific people, places in the world and global situations.
  • Any other creative ideas that you may have for using the potency of a Mysterial field.
Being at the Leading-Edge, Together

Since we have all moved through The Mysterial Sequence and the Sacred Inner Marriage, we will enter into emergent play together – nourishing each other with support, reflection, witnessing, coaching in a collective field. Coming together as Mysterial Woman will surely ignite a new level of understanding and connection – both of what is available to us now, and what we need now. We look forward to exploring this emergent field together!

This is your time to create the conditions for your ongoing Mysterial Emergence. We need each other in these chaotic times and we need the containers that nourish us and challenge us to keep on growing and contributing in the world in these critical days.

Energy Exchange

As we grow the Mysterial murmuration, we deeply desire for the financial exchange to be within reach so that it feels like a full-body YES to receive the support of this intimate and powerful cohort.
Option A – Yearly

$547 (one payment)

Contact Us to Enroll
Option B – Monthly

$54/mo (yearlong commitment)

Contact Us to Enroll

Please note that if you sign up for the monthly payments you are committed to the year.

If you know you are going to join, please register soon so that the collective field can start to build and be the attractor factor for the Circle.

(If the “Contact Us to Enroll” buttons aren’t working, you may need to allow popups on your computer. If you are still encountering issues, please reach out to us at

Questions, requests or feedback?