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For the woman who is ready to step into her true power as an agent of change.

Next program launching October 2024.

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The Calling

The Mysterial Leadership Emergence Program is a revolutionary high-touch transformational program for women who want to heal their deep individual and collective traumas, implement lasting change in their personal lives, and become much-needed agents of change in the world.

The Commitment to Lead in a New and Better Way

We are in the midst of a profound shake-up in the world as the ripple effects of COVID, the war in Ukraine, the financial and political instability, the climate crisis and more, impact everyone around the globe. There is no going back to the old ways. The evolutionary forces are urging women now to grow into the leaders who can be a match for the complexity of these times.

We’ve spent the last half-century breaking into the Masculine systems and structures, and now we’re at a major turning point; a rite of passage that is calling us to awaken and weave together our Deep Feminine and Masculine expressions of wisdom, love and power to create a better world for all. This requires an entirely new way of being, a new “source code” and an upgrade in the fundamental set of inner instructions for growth.

As our Mysterial qualities come online we naturally become leaders in our world. We rest into a deep sense of sufficiency from which our empowered actions are ignited. We know that we belong here on planet earth, have a unique contribution to make, and feel the freedom to express our full creative genius. And we are ready to show up in our wholeness and speak our truth as we partner with the Mystery to unfold the future. This is simply who we are — in the office, with our children, as we create art, with our intimate partners, or as we simply interact with people in the grocery store.

And this is exactly what is most needed in this time on our planet — the courage and commitment, resilience and grace to lead in an entirely new, embodied, integral, MYSTERIAL way — a way that includes all of who we are.

We have developed a powerfully transformational journey so that the path for awakening Mysterials to emerge is more accelerated. We are needed.

The Time Is Now.

Mysterial Outcomes

Hear what women leaders have said about the impact of Emergence on their lives.

Sarah had a great desire to be an empowered woman. As a business owner, nurse, yoga instructor, mother, and grandmother she showed up quite successfully on the surface but she was burnt out internally and became very ill as result of constantly pushing herself toward true achievement and empowerment and proving to herself that she was enough.

“This work is bone deep – the transmission of this work and weaving of field of wisdom creates a depth and a richness that I haven’t experienced elsewhere. The container is rare. It has been a pleasure and an honor and blessing to receive the call and commit to the maturation process.”
– Diahann

“I feel like I am plugged now into my own socket. I find my alignment from a more authentic place. I feel this is only the beginning. I feel like I am being born. This program has allowed me to shed the shadows and see clearly what was in the way of me being authentic Claire. And the love that is in this community is outrageous. Amazingly powerful. If you feel the call to join this community know that you are entering a powerful field and that your experience of being fully yourself will be transformed. You feel more of yourself and more of your connection with others. Very empowering!
– Claire

“I was in medical practice for over 20 years and exhausted and over committed and my relationship with my partner was flat and with my daughter challenging. I really enjoyed having the framework and language that would help me to discover my patterns and discover life in a different way. I have managed to move into a different work situation that is aligned, where I am doing what I love, and I am happy at work for the first time and I have a very new connection with my daughter. That all came from me changing me…I am a lighter person, a happier person.”
– Beth

“My world was falling apart in a number of ways. My ways of understanding the world were changing. I was really struggling with parenthood and wanting to be a kind parent and I was not treating people the way that I wanted to. I realized that I could learn a lot from others over say 20 years but then I realized what if I made that investment now – financially and with time. I am so grateful that I made the choice to do Emergence because it is literally shifting the trajectory of my life. It has shifted my relationship with my kids, with my partner and with myself. I have a whole new level of self-compassion and self- confidence. Having a community of women to support this change is beyond powerful.”
– Anna

What is Emergence? 

Our global Emergence program is unlike anything else currently offered online or in person. Using the groundbreaking and proven pathway for women’s development – The Mysterial SequenceTM – you will…

  • Awaken each of the five Feminine and Masculine archetypes that make up the groundbreaking pathway for women’s development,
  • Heal the shadow expressions of each archetype and liberate your authentic self,
  • Transform each of your core inner limiting belief into liberating beliefs
  • Build the capacities that you need to you live, love and lead to your full potential
  • Naturally change the corresponding behaviors and patterns that have kept you “stuck”.

Emergence takes place inside a catalytic Learning Community held on Zoom and the Mighty Networks platform. We will meet over the course of 15 months online in various group and one-on-one settings, culminating in an in-person retreat on the beautiful Hood Canal in Washington State.

Upon completion of the Emergence program, you will have upgraded your inner operating system to one that finally is a match for the unique challenges of modern life, resulting in more well being, fulfilling relationships and meaningful contributions. You will Become the Mysterial leader you were born to be.

What is the Mysterial Sequence?

Our Proven Pathway for Transformation

As you work to heal the very deep individual and collective trauma, you will awaken parts of yourself that have been locked away in the unconscious, possibly for your entire life.

You will experience a sense of wholeness and coming home in a way that awakens a powerful sense of confidence and possibility for the future.

The Mysterial Sequence (see image below) is a groundbreaking and proven developmental pathway for women, engaging Feminine and Masculine polarities in a way that leads to the birthing of the next level of our human potential.

The Mother-Hero Archetype Polarity

When the first archetype polarity—the Mother and the Hero—are both healthy and fully activated, an important transformation naturally occurs within you.

The Mother’s quality of Radiant Presence synthesizes with the Hero’s quality of Empowered Action and the meta-quality of Empowered Radiant Presence arises in your way of being and doing.

This is the true fruit of inner initiation.
  • Now you’re able to source your doing from the healthy ground of your being.
  • Your very presence uplifts those around you and encourages their best performance.
  • You embody both the kindness of The Mother and the courage of The Hero.
  • You inspire trust, respect, and cooperation simply by being who you really are.
  • Others are attracted to the natural inner glow of a woman who acts purposefully in the world while deeply grounded in her own sufficiency.
As we awaken the first polarity of The Mother – Hero archetypes, the transformation allows you to…
  • Cultivate the solid ground of your Feminine Being as a powerful vessel that can hold the fire and intensity to sustainably bring your gifts into the world.
  • Excavate unconscious sabotaging beliefs that have held you hostage for a lifetime, and replace them with conscious beliefs that liberate your full potential.
  • Cultivate the capacities that enable ease, intimacy, and skillful creativity in your relationships.
  • Learn to differentiate when to act decisively and when to let factors ripen for the best possible outcome for all.
  • Become skilled in transforming reactivity into self-authored, creative action.
  • Establish a set of capacity-building leadership practices as the stable infrastructure encouraging your development for the rest of your life.
  • Deepen your capacity to build strategic alliances and inspire others.
  • Learn to harness the creative potential of ambiguity and generate breakthrough results.
  • Gain a profound sense of your own value and sufficiency, enabling you to be more confident, authentic and glowing with Empowered Radiant Presence.

The Father-Maiden Archetype Polarity

From this opening, the second archetypal polarity—the Father and the Maiden—naturally begins to beckon.

A longing arises to develop the capacity for building reliable systems that will provide a solid and enduring foundation for a life of substance and contribution.

You hunger for the self-confidence to stand in your own Joyful True Authority and honor the gifts and beauty of others and the world around you, recognizing that you belong and are part of a diverse and interconnected ecosphere.

  • You become aware that you’re capable of gaining access to the wild, exciting, and dynamic force of your Joyful Creativity.
  • You yearn to grow your capacity for deep intuition and connect to the raw life energy that allows you to innovate and set off on bold new adventures.
  • You are called to challenge your old ways of thinking and liberate yourself and others from unnecessary constrictions.
  • You are ready to go with the flow of life, and balance play with work as you stop taking yourself and life so seriously.
  • And you desire to liberate your sexual and heart energy, so that you can enter into the intimate dance of mutuality with others.
Awakening the second polarity of the Father – Maiden archetypes, you will…
  • Accelerate your development up the spiral so that you are increasingly able to handle the complex challenges of your life.
  • Connect more fully with your own personal purpose and passion so that you can stand in your own true authority and joyfully follow your unique destiny line out into the world.
  • Live your life as a creative experiment that you enter boldly into every day, curious to see what you will invent, and where joy is not a fleeting experience, earned after a lot of hard work and lost as soon as you return to the grindstone.
  • Along with an increased ability to be with the difficult moments of life, you are ready to playfully engage in the fun of living. You recognize that this is your birthright and you work to live, not live to work.
  • Awaken your fun-loving, spontaneous, curious, imaginative, intuitive, and adventurous self and unleash your creative expression.
  • Recognize that you do belong in a friendly universe and that you are not alone.
  • Establish the ability to create the order and the structures necessary so that you can bring your gifts into the world sustainably.
  • Install a grounded sense of confidence in yourself so that you can weather the ups and downs of life and all its challenges, handling the pressures of a complex life with resilience and grace.

The Awakening of The Crone Archetype

Beyond the second Father – Maiden polarity, The Crone archetype waits patiently.

This third face of the Feminine has been preparing for millennia to finally come through in consciousness. You can already imagine what it would be like to hold seeming opposites without contradiction, and be able to let go of those things that no longer serve you.

When the Crone awakens you are able to see the intelligent patterns in the chaos of life and use all of your ways of knowing to pierce through confusion and take action.

  • You are committed to being a catalytic force able to synthesize complexity and bridge between extremely divergent people, worlds, and ideas so that something new and better can arise.
  • You can sense the possibility of an Alchemical Authenticity that would make you an agent of change simply by being yourself.
Awakening The Crone, the last archetype in the Sequence that is so critical to this evolutionary moment, you will…
  • Learn how to truly see in the dark and be with difficult situations with an increased capacity to surrender to the change that is working its way through you.
  • Know how to let go of what is done, sit with the emptiness and make space for the new pattern that is seeking to emerge.
  • Awaken more fully to your spiritual connection as an important driver in your development.
  • Take your sovereign seat and know for certain that you are a vital part of the unfolding evolutionary moment.
  • Truly partner with the unknown, creative Mystery, and encourage innovation and new opportunities to unfold through you.
When all of the archetypes of The Mysterial Sequence™ have been cultivated, a deep and lasting inner Sacred Marriage takes place and The Mysterial Leader naturally emerges.
It is a beautiful thing to experience and witness!
To give you a glimpse of the Mysterial Future that arises when you do this deep work, here are the Mysterial Leadership capacities that will become your Signature Presence:

This experience was transformative and gave me the opportunity to awaken a hidden part of myself. I can now embrace my life more peacefully, with fluidity and aliveness. Suzanne and her mindful cohort of coaches has supported my emergence with love, wisdom and a deep presence. I have shared my vulnerability with other genuine women around the world and always felt respected, safe and heard. The Way of the Mysterial Women is for me a powerful path to self-exploration in a sustainable and embodied manner. Today I feel more congruent with my essence, I am more and more able to speak my truth and welcome discomfort with curiosity.

— Maude

How does Emergence work?

It begins with our proven program curriculum.

Our program combines academically sound, rigorous, research-based curriculum with the ageless wisdom traditions, somatic embodiment, the imaginal, and the deep practices of an urban mystery school. The Mysterial Sequence™ pathway provides the most efficient, critical path through the essential work needed to open up unprecedented levels of leadership.

This approach is deeply explored in Suzanne’s three-time award winning book (co-authored alongside Susan Cannon, PhD), The Way of the Mysterial Woman: Upgrading How You Live, Love, and Lead.

Theory and Research

Combining stimulating theories from innovative thought leaders with our extensive experience and research in women’s leadership development our curriculum qualified for over a decade as a university-certificate program.

Healing Trauma

Using a groundbreaking pathway based on how women actually develop, to sequentially and in a very precise way heal the shadow wounds from earlier childhood, intergenerational and collective traumas.

Integral Approach

Drawing upon the extensive work of Integral practitioners our comprehensive approach addresses all domains of a woman’s experience so that they can see both themselves and the world around them in a more complete way.


Guiding women to access ways of knowing that engage all three centers of intelligence—thinking (head), feeling (heart), and sensing (body)—so that they can bring a holistic understanding to life’s complex issues.

Ritual Process

Engaging the power of ritual to weave together conscious intentions and unconscious, embodied desires and align with energies and dimensions beyond the linear.

Beauty and Imagination

Engaging women’s sensing and feeling natures through beautiful materials, stimulating right brain processes, music and images to invite the power of the imaginal.

The Alchemical Container

How we hold, engage, catalyze, and support your learning

The Mysterial Leadership Emergence Program has been designed using a comprehensive approach to women’s development that we have spent the past two decades decoding.

You will engage body, heart, mind, and soul on our journey together through the use of cutting-edge research, women’s development, neuroscience, powerful leadership practices, evocative visual images, ritual, and our proven technology of transformation to activate your innate Mysterial Potential.

Consider this less as a program you are setting aside daily life to attend, and more as a powerful transformative container into which you will fully bring together all domains of your experience.

Join the Waitlist for Emergence 2024

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More Mysterial Outcomes

“I have advanced graduate degrees and I would take this program over those things as far as the impact that they have had in my life – this is something that will inform the rest of my life! I am leaving with a strong sense of belonging in myself, more confidence, more in control of my life and my destiny.”
– Stephanie

“I knew that I was being held hostage with something within myself but I didn’t know what it was. Knowing now more about what that was has allowed me to be kinder to myself, allowed me to see my true nature more clearly and to truly love myself. It is so much more real now. I also have such a deep and new sense of belonging with the community of women who are a support everyday.”
– Julia

“After hearing the financial investment I want to say that I understand that It is hard to put value on yourself. You have to think about what you are worth. I valued myself enough to pay for the course and it has been totally worth it for me. I didn’t even realize that I had been living mostly in the Masculine side of myself. My physical body was breaking down and I felt dehydrated emotionally. I needed my Feminine nature. I came out of the program being a softer human, more open hearted, I am curious in a way that brings me more joy, I rest a lot more. It is night and day for me in terms of the impact of the change.”
– Eva

Our Time Together Includes

An Intimate Alchemical Community

Our cohort will have 12-21 students and together we will create a dynamic transformative community. You will have the opportunity to connect with allies in a collaborative, co-creative learning environment that accelerates growth and builds a web of friendships with other emerging Mysterials around the world. We will tend our collective ‘we space’ engine carefully as it is a powerful, catalytic element in the program.

An Opening Virtual Retreat

We will initiate our Emergence journey together in a virtual Opening Retreat. This will be an opportunity for women to meet one another and for us to ignite our collective field. The session will involve Suzanne’s overview teaching, dyad and triad interactions, personal reflections and whole group conversations.

Whole Circle Sessions with Suzanne

These monthly two-hour sessions will involve meditation, teaching, collective psycho-catalytic ritual and small group exploration together. We will work with the powerful principle of ‘the field’ together in various configurations of smaller flocks, triads. dyads and whole circle dialogues. The sessions will be recorded for those who cannot attend live, but it is highly recommended that you plan to schedule yourself to be present for these sessions as they will be important opportunities to accelerate your development in the collective field.

Flock Sessions with Mysterial Coaches

These monthly two-hour sessions involve deepening together into an intimate circle of women where you can explore each of the archetypes’ shadows and strengths more deeply. They will be facilitated by Mysterial Coaches. You will also work on Creative Intention Presencing together as you align your individual Leadership skills to serve women or girls in need. (see below for more information)

Two Mid-Program Virtual Retreats

At two key junctures in the program – moving from the First Polarity (Mother-Hero) to the second Polarity (Father-Maiden) and moving from the Second Polarity to the Crone – we will have longer three-hour sessions together to acknowledge the deep work already done and prepare for the next phase.

Two Month Long Integration Breaks

After the deep work with each of the primary developmental polarities we will honor the Feminine Principle of gestation and take a longer break from classes and FW to let go and live into who you are becoming.

4 night/5 day In-person Closing Retreat

Our 15-month intensive journey will culminate in a powerful closing retreat together at Harmony Hill Retreat Center on the Hood Canal in Washington State, USA. April 24 – April 28 2024 (Travel, meals & accommodation are not included in the cost for Emergence.) Using ritual, movement, catalytic visual art explorations, and deep conversation together we will prepare for a potent archetypal ritual process of inner sacred marriage and the birth of our full Mysterial essence.

Learning Triads/Dyads

Meeting bi-monthly at a minimum, the intimacy and accountability of these smaller learning partnerships will support you to dig deeper into the Fieldwork explorations of the program. Your learning partner allies will become your homebase container in the larger field of the cohort and a place where you can be encouraged, challenged and supported to become your full Mysterial self.


The program curriculum is designed to work as much in between the class sessions as during them. It is within the field of your life that you will become an observer of your habitual patterns and engage in the practices that will liberate you from the conditioned responses that no longer serve you.

5 Individual 1-1 Coaching Sessions with a Mysterial Coach

You will have a trained Mysterial Coach as your guide throughout the deep dive of our program to encourage and support your Mysterial emergence. Your coach will help to hold you accountable for the changes you want to make and in 5 focused archetypal coaching sessions will assist you to dive under the surface of your conscious awareness and explore the deeper unconscious sabotaging patterns that are blocking the flow of your authentic genius.

Private Online Community – Mighty Networks

This online forum is inviting, beautiful, private and is organized using different topic threads. Here, participants engage with each other between live sessions and this is also where we post the Fieldwork and recordings of the sessions, as well as poetry, images and other inspirational materials.

Mysterial Leadership Practices

You will explore your Conscious Intention for doing this work and clearly articulate and energize this desired future. We will then be able to see more clearly what inner and outer structures are aligned with your Intention and which ones need to be upgraded. You will then create a set of powerful practices for body, mind, heart and soul that will provide an essential and sustainable vessel for your transformative journey. They will become the template for the cultivation of a life-long personal container for well-being.

Creative Intention Presencing (CIP)

Our own liberation is intimately woven together with the liberation of girls and women around the world who are in much less fortunate circumstances than ourselves.

You will learn a process working at the subtle level to energize and accelerate the awakening and development of girls and women. You will also have the opportunity to put your emerging leadership capacities into practice in a collaborative project.

You will learn a powerful way to source a project together that truly integrates the Feminine and the Masculine and the Creative Cycle.

Mysterial Assessments

Using online Assessments we will help you to get clarity around your current reality (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) and your innate essence.

  • IEQ9 Enneagram Assessment
  • Integral Quadrant Assessment
  • Mysterial Archetypal Assessment

Individual Human Design Assessment and Coaching with Suzanne

You will each complete an individual Human Design Assessment and receive a 1-1 coaching session with Suzanne. Using her deep knowledge of you at this point in the program and her intuitive sensing she will use this powerful lens to zero in on your unique signature presence and precisely identify where there could be blocks to your authentic expression. Human Design is a profoundly transformative system that combines: Astrology, the Chinese I-Ching, the Chakra system and the Kabbala into a profound Science of Differentiation that allows you to understand more specifically your individual uniqueness within the genetic matrix.

The Program Schedule

The Emergence Program is open for enrollment just once every 18 months, inviting an intimate cohort of women to unravel from the millennia-old, outdated and limiting patterns – in order to unleash their greatest potential.

Each month and for 15 consecutive months (with the exception out two Integration months), we will meet for:

  • One 2-hour “Whole Circle” session from 11 – 1 pm Pacific time
  • One 2-hour “Flock Circle” small group session (there will be two different time options available: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm PT or 4:00 – 6:00 pm PT)

There will be two 3-hour virtual mid-program retreats and a 4-night/5-day closing in person retreat.

The program curriculum is designed to work as much in between the class sessions as during them. It is within the field of your life that you will become an observer of your habitual patterns and engage in the practices that will liberate you from the conditioned responses that no longer serve you.

Sign up to be notified when doors open for enrollment

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Schedule for the 2023/24 Program

Download a PDF of the schedule here.

We will meet every two weeks on Wednesdays, from 11am – 1pm Pacific Time (the virtual retreats have different timing – see below). WC (Whole Circle)/ FC (Flock Circle).

Session #1: Sat. Feb. 18 – Opening Virtual Retreat from 10am – 2pm PST Establishing the Container
Session #2: Wed. Mar. 1 – WC: Threshold Crossing
Session #3: Wed. Mar. 15 – WC: The Mother Invocation
Session #4: Wed. Mar. 29 – FC: The Mother Shadow
Session #5: Wed. Apr. 12 – WC: The Mother Activation
Session #6: Wed. Apr. 26 – FC: The Healthy Mother
Session #7: Wed. May 10 – WC: The Hero Invocation
Session #8: Wed. May 24 – FC: The Hero Shadow
Session #9: Wed. June 7 – WC: The Hero Activation
Session #10: Wed. June 21 – FC: The Healthy Hero
Session #11: Wed. July 5- WC: Empowered Radiant Presence
Session #12: Wed. July 19 – FC: Empowered Radiant Presence
Empowered Radiant Presence Integration Break: July 19 – Aug. 26
Session #13: Sat. Aug. 26 – Virtual Retreat from 11am – 2pm PDT Opening from First to Second Polarity
Session #14: Wed. Sept. 6 – WC: The Father Invocation
Session #15: Wed. Sept. 20 – FC: The Father Shadow
Session #16: Wed. Oct. 4 – WC: The Father Activation
Session #17: Wed. Oct. 18 – FC: The Healthy Father
Session #18: Wed. Nov. 1- WC: The Maiden Invocation
Session #19: Wed. Nov. 15 – FC: The Maiden Shadow
Session #20: Wed. Nov. 29 – WC: The Maiden Activation
Session #21: Wed. Dec. 13 – FC: The Healthy Maiden
Joyful True Authority Integration Break: Dec. 13 – Jan. 13
Session #22: Sat. Jan. 13 – Virtual Retreat from 11am – 2pm PDT Return to the Mother
Session #23: Wed. Jan. 24 – WC: The Crone Invocation
Session #24: Wed. Feb. 7 – FC: The Crone Shadow
Session #25: Wed. Feb. 21 – WC: The Crone Activation
Session #26: Wed. Mar. 6 – FC: The Healthy Crone
Session #27: Wed. Mar. 20 – WC: Mysterial Metaphor Emergence
Session #28: Wed. Apr. 3 – FC: Integration of Learning
Session #29: Final Retreat – Wed. Apr. 24 – Sun. Apr. 28 Sacred Marriage and Mysterial Emergence

Sessions 1 – 2: Establishing the Transformational Container

  • Ignite the collective learning community
  • Establish a set of personal container-building leadership practices as the stable infrastructure for body, mind, heart and soul and encouraging your development for the rest of your life
  • Set a clear intention for the Emergence journey.
  • Land in your Enneatype as a tool for exploring your true essence and the blocks to that expression
  • Learn the Mysterial change process of Archetypal Deep Practice to metabolize the shadow material that you will be working with in the program.

Sessions 3 – 6 : Activation of The Mother Archetype

  • Look at and honestly acknowledge the truth of all domains of the current reality of your life – both what is not working (your suffering) and what is working and aligned with who you are.
  • ​Learn how the limiting belief of The Mother – “I am not enough” – might be deeply woven into the unconscious fabric of your daily experience and limiting your leadership capacity
  • Engage in a targeted and proven shadow work process to work with the unconscious sabotaging patterns limiting your full potential
  • Use a powerful psycho catalytic ritual process to activate the healthy Mother within and liberate the healthy Mother capacities and the updated belief – I am enough just as I am.
  • Use a targeted inner child process to heal your early identity wounds
  • ​Practice self-compassion as a regular tool for self-soothing.
  • Individual Coaching: During this session you will receive a 1-1 Mysterial Coaching session to work deeply with The Mother Archetype.

Sessions 7-10 : Activation of The Hero Archetype

  • Identify how the limiting belief of the The Hero  – “I have to do to be of value” – is draining your life force.
  • Engage in a targeted and proven shadow work process to work with the unconscious sabotaging patterns created around the limiting belief of “I have to do to be of value;
  • Use a powerful psycho catalytic ritual process to activate the healthy Hero within and liberate the healthy Hero capacities and the updated belief – I am empowered to do what is mine to do.
  • Learn to differentiate when to act decisively and when to let factors ripen for the best possible outcome for all.
  • Harness the power of your anger to ignite the Hero archetype and learn to set clear boundaries and goals.

During this session you will receive a 1-1 Mysterial Coaching session to work deeply with The Hero Archetype

Sessions 11-12 : Empowered Radiant Presence

  • Experience how to live, love and lead with the full Mother-Hero polarity open revealing a quantum shift if how your source your doing from the ground of being.
  • Cultivate the solid ground of your Feminine Being as a powerful vessel that can hold the fire and intensity to sustainably bring your gifts into the world.
  • Become skilled in transforming reactivity into self-authored, creative action.
  • Gain a profound sense of your own value and sufficiency, enabling you to be more confident, authentic and glowing with Empowered Radiant Presence.

Empowered Radiant Presence Integration Break

This month is an opportunity to integrate the awakening of the first Mother – Hero polarity of Empowered Radiant Presence before moving to the Father-Maiden polarity.

Session 13: Virtual Retreat: Opening from First to Second Polarity

  • Gathering for a longer session you will mark the turn from the first polarity of The Mysterial Sequence to the second polarity.
  • This session will be an opportunity to acknowledge the Mysterial capacities already coming online that will provide the ground for the turn toward the Father archetype.
  • Suzanne will introduce the Human Design assessment instrument you will begin using in this phase of the program.

Sessions 14-17: Activating The Father Archetype

  • Connect more fully with your own personal purpose and passion so that you can stand in your own true authority and joyfully follow your unique destiny line out into the world.
  • Engage in a targeted and proven shadow work process to work with the unconscious sabotaging patterns created around the limiting belief of “I do not belong’
  • Use a powerful psycho catalytic ritual process to activate the healthy Father within and liberate the healthy Father capacities and the updated belief – I am at home in myself, and naturally belong.’
  • Establish the ability to create order and the structures necessary so that you can bring your gifts into the world sustainably.
  • Install a grounded sense of confidence in yourself so that you can weather the ups and downs of life and all its challenges, handling the pressures of a complex life with resilience and grace.
  • Awaken more fully your spiritual connection as an important driver in your development.

During this session you will receive a 1-1 Mysterial Coaching session to work deeply with The Father Archetype.

Sessions 18-22: Activate The Maiden Archetype

  • Connect more fully with your own personal purpose and passion so that you can stand in your own true authority and joyfully follow your unique destiny line out into the world.
  • Engage in a targeted and proven shadow work process to work with the unconscious sabotaging patterns created around the limiting belief of “I do not belong’
  • Use a powerful psycho catalytic ritual process to activate the healthy Father within and liberate the healthy Father capacities and the updated belief – I am at home in myself, and naturally belong.’
  • Establish the ability to create order and the structures necessary so that you can bring your gifts into the world sustainably.
  • Install a grounded sense of confidence in yourself so that you can weather the ups and downs of life and all its challenges, handling the pressures of a complex life with resilience and grace.
  • Awaken more fully your spiritual connection as an important driver in your development.

During this session you will receive a 1-1 Mysterial Coaching session to work deeply with The Father Archetype.

  • Along with an increased ability to be with the difficult moments of life, you are ready to playfully engage in the fun of living. You recognize that this is your birthright and you work to live, not live to work.
  • Engage in a targeted and proven shadow work process to work with the unconscious sabotaging patterns created around the limiting belief of “I am not free to express myself fully’
  • Use a powerful psycho catalytic ritual process to activate the healthy Maiden within and liberate the healthy Maiden capacities and the updated belief – I am free to express my true nature.
  • Awaken your wild, fun loving, spontaneous, curious, imaginative, intuitive, and adventurous self and unleash your creative expression.
  • Live your life as a creative experiment that you enter boldly into every day, curious to see what you will invent, and where joy is not a fleeting experience, earned after a lot of hard work and lost as soon as you return to the grindstone

Joyful True Authority Integration Break

This month is an opportunity to integrate the awakening of the second polarity of Joyful True Authority and to experience all Yin and Yang essences of The Mother, Hero, Father and Maiden before making the quantum and vital shift to the energy of third force of the Feminine – The Crone

Session 23: Virtual Retreat: Return to The Mother

  • Gathering for a longer session you will return to the Mother archetype to review who you have become as you have awakened the Mother, Hero, Father and Crone
  • You will prepare to make the shift to bring in the potent energy of The Crone
  • Experience true creative mutuality where you are grounded in your own experience while being open to intimacy and the richness of a high consciousness collective.
  • Learn the power and pleasure of deep Presencing so that you can masterfully ‘source’ a project and bring it to successful enactment in the world.
  • Get on your path and develop the courage and commitment to follow it out into the world and make your creative contribution.

Sessions 24-27: Activating The Crone Archetype

  • Learn how to truly see in the dark and be with difficult situations with an increased capacity to surrender to the change that is working its way through you.
  • Experience the joy and impact of freely expressing your unique genius.
  • Engage in a targeted and proven shadow work process to work with the unconscious sabotaging patterns created around the limiting belief of “I do not have enough knowledge, connections or influence.
  • Use a powerful psycho catalytic ritual process to activate the healthy Crone within and liberate the healthy Crone capacities and the updated belief – I am an evolving source of wisdom, love and power’.
  • Learn to truly partner with the unknown, creative Mystery, encouraging innovation and new opportunities to unfold through you.
  • Experience the power of letting this dissolve as needed and become a true alchemist in the cauldron of your life.

Sessions 28-29: Integration of Learning

  • Coming to the end of the journey you will prepare for the final retreat through integrating your learning.
  • Begin to take your sovereign seat and know for certain that you are a vital part of the unfolding evolutionary moment.

Session 30: In person Final Retreat - Sacred Marriage and Mysterial Emergence

“The mystic heart is the awakening of direct experience that each one of us can access by tending the fire of any spark of love, bonding, inspiration, truth, or passion.”
-Shiva Rea (Tending The Heart Fire intro 8)

Our intensive journey together will culminate in a powerful in-person closing retreat. Using ritual, movement, catalytic visual art explorations, and deep conversation together we will prepare for a potent archetypal ritual process of inner sacred marriage and the birth of our full Mysterial essence.

As a dedicated self-improvement junkie, I have invested in adult learning classes, seminars and retreats for over 35 years. I’ve signed up for everything from Byron Katie, Rick Hanson, Elizabeth Gilbert and Brene Brown to Wisdom 2.0 mindfulness and wellness workshops – and even committed to a year-long personal intensive in Taos, New Mexico. Working with Suzanne was the most effective and deep work that I have ever done. She gave me the support, resources and tools, empathy and encouragement that I needed to change my old ways of thinking and be my best self out in the world.

CindiDirector of Client Relations / Executive Coach

Just prior to the Mysterial Emergence Program I was going through another dark night of the soul; struggling both financially and relationally, having just ended a 6 year relationship that was no longer serving and supporting me.

Each time I have passed through a dark passage, I always returned to a sense of great failure in my professional life. I was doing work I absolutely loved, but just could not seem to get ahead financially and find a sense of security to fully support myself.

I had a conversation with Suzanne, and absolutely knew this was the program, the container I needed to be held in the deep dive, but I bumped up against a reoccurring belief that ’I can’t have what I want.’ Even before we began the course, Suzanne held me through that process and worked with me financially to support me to be able to fully say yes to myself and yes to the program.

Through the program I found a greater sense of ground beneath me, a greater self-assurance to be with what is, and a deeper appreciation for the shadow parts of myself that have been working so hard to keep me safe all of these years. My work in the world has broadened, my friendships have deepened, work opportunities have come to me, and my love of Life has expanded. I am deeply grateful for Suzanne, her care, presence and earnest willingness to hold this secure container for all women to come more alive.

Micheline GreenMaster Integral Coach

The Mysterial Team Guiding Your Journey

Your Program Guides

Suzanne Anderson, MA

Suzanne is a master of transformational learning, a thought leader on resilient leadership, and co-author of the triple award-winning book The Way of the Mysterial Woman: Upgrading How You Live, Love and Lead. Her work is dedicated to awakening women to their full potential, urging them to the edge of their own evolution – to be the ones who are able to lead us into a new cultural paradigm.

After decades of work as a senior leadership consultant for Fortune 100 companies, Suzanne recognized the absence of leadership programs designed to address the way women develop. She experienced firsthand how women were caught between a rock and a hard place; women who had succeeded in the masculine domain, but who had lost connection with their feminine ground of being. Seeing this gap, she left her consulting practice to find out what it means to midwife the next level of our potential as women and as a culture.

Over fifteen years of research led Suzanne to discover The Mysterial Way – an emerging leadership model that integrates both Feminine and Masculine capacities, embraces women’s wholeness and addresses all the domains of her unique experience. This multi-faceted, in-depth approach to her work rests on 30 years of study and practice in a grounded spiritual path that remains a vital aspect of her life today.

Just as she and her co-author had completed the first draft of their book and were ready to launch new programs, her beloved husband committed suicide. Within a few months everything she had held most precious was cleaved away like a giant iceberg falling into the sea – and she was standing on the edge of a very new life. She experienced how The Way of the Mysterial Woman held up, and this transformational journey cemented her commitment to making this pathway available to as many women as possible. Her new book, You Make your Path by Walking: A Transformational Field Guide Through Trauma and Loss describes how her shattering breaking apart was also a profound breaking through to a deeper experience of her true nature. Due out in June, 2023.

Through her coaching practice, online programs, corporate workshops, retreats, speaking engagements, and acclaimed book, Suzanne supports women who are ready to lead in an entirely new way – to show up as creative agents of change in this turbulent time on our planet, with courage and commitment, resilience and grace.

Mysterial Coaches

Mysterial Coaches create an important layer of facilitation, coaching and support through the transformative curriculum of the Emergence Program. They will facilitate the Flock Circles and provide potent 1-1 coaching sessions to participants. Jamie & Camille, whom you will meet below, are professional coaches, have been studying with Suzanne for several years, and have completed both the Mysterial Depth and Emergence Programs.

Jamie Selby

Jamie has been on the path of personal development for many years and has woven those threads throughout her working life. She brings over 30 years’ professional experience in the non-profit, governmental, commercial, and manufacturing sectors, with the last 10 years of her corporate career invested in the ultra-high-tech semiconductor and healthcare industries.

Her professional expertise encompasses personal and organizational transformation and coaching, and business change management/team performance/leadership development workshops, which she facilitated globally.

Jamie has been involved with Suzanne’s work since 2004 – first as a student, and later as program/business manager and faculty member. She loves working with women who are stepping into their greatness, bringing the fullness of their being to all they are doing. She is delighted to bring her gifts as a facilitator and coach to serve as a senior faculty member with the Mysterial Emergence program.

Her personal approach to coaching and facilitation is heart-centered, while years of martial arts training taught her to effectively wield the sword. Her current practices include the metaphorical integration of these two approaches, as well as others that foster her health and well-being, and nourish her personal and professional development.

After 10 years living in the Netherlands and working worldwide, she recently moved back to the United States to be closer to family. She and her husband are now based in Florida.

Jamie’s credentials and experience include:

  • Master of Arts, Communications – University of Washington
  • Certified Mysterial Coach, Mysterial Woman
  • Certified Integral Facilitator, Ten Directions
  • Certified Trainer for Heartmath Resilience Advantage®
  • Certified Facilitator for Heartmath Activating the Heart of Teams®
  • Graduate of Newfield Network Europe Coaching Certification
  • Graduate, Level 1 and Level 2 Kore/Mysterial Programs
  • Faculty for all Kore/Mysterial Programs
  • Graduate of Generating Transformative Change program, Pacific Integral
  • Chair of the Board 2017-2019 – Women@ASML
  • 1st degree black belt Ki-Aikido, Evergreen Learning Center

Camille de Picot

Camille’s early career was in International Marketing based in Paris, Tokyo and Singapore. She is a leadership coach, psychotherapist and facilitator offering training, conferences and one-to-one coaching on topics that include health & wellbeing, peak performance, emotional intelligence, resilience and leadership in private, governmental and educational organizations.

Her work is informed by neuroscience, positive and developmental psychology, and integral theory and she uses the Integrative Enneagram (IEQ9) as an assessment tool. Having studied across many disciplines and cultures, she offers a multidimensional approach specifically tailored and adapted to each client’s developmental needs.

She has been on a lifelong journey of better understanding herself and others while expanding her heart and mind. Over the years and more particularly through her Mysterial journey, she has connected more deeply to the complexity of what it means to be a woman in all her strengths, passion, joy, sensuality, vulnerability and wisdom. Camille is happy to be a senior faculty member for the Mysterial Emergence program.

Originally from France, she has been living in Australia since 1998. She endeavors to walk her talk and practices a balanced lifestyle. She is as passionate about her own development as she is about supporting the development of those with whom she works.

Camille’s credentials and experience include:

  • Certified Mysterial Coach, Mysterial Woman
  • Graduate Mysterial Leadership Depth (Level 1) and Emergence (Level 2) programs
  • Faculty for the Mysterial Leadership Depth & Emergence Program
  • Certified Integral Professional Coach, Integral Coaching Canada
  • Integrative Enneagram Certified Practitioner
  • Master of Counseling and Applied Psychotherapy, Jansen Newman Institute, Sydney
  • Integral Relationship Professional and Group Facilitator
  • Stages Shadow into Soul Training, STAGES International
  • Diploma in Transpersonal Studies, The Work Sanctuary, Singapore
  • Certificate in Nutrition, Health Schools Australia
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Marketing Major, ESSEC Business School, Paris

Mysterial Coaches in Training

Mysterial Coaches in Training provide an added layer of support through the transformative curriculum of the Emergence Program. They are women who have completed Emergence and will bring their coaching skills and deep experience with the work to support women choosing this powerful path of development.

Alexis Smith

Alexis has been practicing personal development and spiritual growth for decades. She is a Clinical Nutritionist, Western Herbalist and Integral Coach and brings with her over 15 years experience in clinical practice, facilitating women’s retreats, and corporate Nutritional Coaching. Alexis offers her clients a safe and compassionate space combined with a strategic and holistic approach towards wellbeing and health.

In her early years of clinical practice, it became apparent that where her clients most needed support and guidance was in upgrading their habitual behaviors. It was not simply more nutritional information they needed. To fulfill this, she added Integral Coaching to her way of practicing.
Always keen to deepen her knowledge and offerings, Alexis became a Certified Enneagram practitioner, the principles of which form a key part of her strategic approach. Her coaching is further informed and supported by her other qualifications including Yoga and Mindful Meditation.

She enjoys working with groups as evidenced in her teaching of yoga and meditation to women and teens; the creation and facilitation of week-long women’s health retreats; as well as in her role as a Nutritional Coach, working with companies within Asia to maximize energy and improve general well being – fuelling higher performance and inspiring purposeful living at home and at work.

Since marrying a career expat, and whilst raising their two children, Alexis has lived in 7 countries mainly in Asia but also Australia and France. This has offered Alexis a deep and personal understanding of the challenges of a nomadic life, as well an appreciation for cross-cultural environments.

Alexis’s credentials and experience include:

  • Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification, Tara Brach & Jack Kornfield
  • Graduate of Mysterial Leadership Emergence, 2022
  • Enneagram Practitioner Certification, Integrative Enneagram
  • Corporate Health & Wellness Certification, Wellness Designs
  • Graduate of Mysterial Leadership Depth Program
  • Integral Coaching Certification, Integral Coaching Canada
  • Advanced Diploma of Western Herbal Medicine, Health Schools Australia
  • Yoga Alliance Registered Teacher plus Certified Karma Kids Yoga Teacher
  • Advanced Diploma Functional Nutritional Medicine, ACNT Australia

Claire Molinard, M.Sc. MA

Claire began her coaching career in 2011, supporting women changemakers to become more empowered leaders using an integral approach with a focus on spiritual maturity. She was a faculty member of Integral Coaching Canada for almost a decade, coaching and training students enrolled in their professional coach training programs. In 2014, she co-created the Unique Self Emergence process, a psycho-spiritual coaching modality that she teaches and facilitates through online and in-person programs.

Claire’s work is informed by Integral theory, developmental and depth psychology, neuroscience as well as by her commitment to spiritual practice – an essential part of her whole adult life. From an early dive into Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga, the notion of evolution of consciousness has informed her intense quest to understand the patterns that connect. Over the years, she has drunk from the deep wells of the wisdom traditions, East and West, including Zen Buddhism, Tantric Shaivism, Celtic spirituality and Mystical Kabbalah.

The Mysterial sequence allowed Claire to clear significant layers of shadow material that were keeping her from stepping into her power. She feels empowered by the work, and is delighted to join the Mysterial Faculty, to support other women’s empowerment and to serve our collective conscious evolution.

Claire’s credentials and experience include:

  • Graduate Mysterial Leadership Emergence program
  • Certified Somatic psychotherapist Netherland Institute of Core Energetics
  • Diploma in Integral Leadership: Generating Transformative Change in
  • Human Systems (GTC) from Pacific Integral and LIOS, Saybrook University
  • Unique Self Emergence main trainer and facilitator
  • Faculty for Integral Coaching Canada
  • Certified Integral Master Coach, Integral Coaching Canada
  • Faculty for International Coach Academy
  • Certificate in Group facilitation – International Coach Academy
  • Certified Professional Coach – International Coach Academy
  • MA Chinese Literature & Philosophy INALCO, Paris.
  • M Sc. Oriental Medicine Samra Los Angeles University.

Julia Jakubowski, MSW, LCSW

Pronouns: she/her

Julia is a somatically oriented psychotherapist, focusing on healing trauma, relationships, and creative embodiment. She draws on her 10+ years of experience working in community mental health and hospice, and her 20+ years of experience within contemplative traditions, as a student and teacher of meditation and yoga. Her approach weaves together psychodynamic, relational, trauma-informed, and somatic perspectives. She currently works out of her Mcminnville, Oregon, based private practice.

In her role as a coach in training, Julia seeks to be an ally to the individuals, and to the collective, in awakening the parts that have been silenced, and to hear and understand their stories. She is dedicated to embodied creative exploration, seeing by the light of her own darkness, radical joy, and providing support and guidance in the process of unfolding. Julia lives in Mcminnville, Oregon, with her partner, two young children, and a growing number of animal friends.

Julia has an understanding of and dedication to working within a social justice framework and strives to be affirming of all identities, races, experiences, and orientations. She actively works to build her awareness of how racism, sexism, white privilege, heterosexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, ageism, ability, body size and social class has impacted herself and her communities. She seeks to make space for everyone and to honor their individual stories.

Julia’s Credentials:

  • Graduate of Mysterial Leadership Emergence Program
  • Mindful Compassionate Dialogue training with La Chelle Lowe Charde
  • Internal Family Systems training with Frances D. Booth
  • Somatic Experiencing training with Joshua Sylvae
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy training with the U.S Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Prolonged Exposure Therapy training with the U.S Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker, State of Oregon
  • Master of Social Work (MSW) The Smith College School for Social Work, Northampton, MA
  • Bachelor of Art, Psychology, The George Washington University, Washington, DC

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m not great with online and distance learning. Will I still benefit?

Yes! We totally understand the challenges of not being a ‘tech native’. Suzanne has spent the last 6 years learning powerful ways to bring the online classes to women around the world, having initially taught in-person programs. Here are the ways that we make this easy:

  • The materials are always accessible on the Mighty Networks Member webpages – you can stream them live (play the video or just the audio) or you can download them to have on a device (smartphone, ipad, ipod, etc.) so you can listen while on a walk, driving, etc.
  • There are written materials such as extra reading, as well as the ‘Fieldwork’ that summarizes ways to further embody the learning and habit changes.

The variety of learning channels means you’ll be able to digest the material in ways that work for you. You can learn in a way that works easily with your schedule (not to mention there won’t be any jet lag from traveling to be with the group!).

What if I can’t attend the live calls?

All of the live calls are recorded and posted to the Member space within 24 hours. You have the option to listen to the audio, or watch the video. Unlike other programs where you can just catch up with the videos later, this program is highly interactive and we encourage you to attend the sessions live as often as possible. When schedule conflicts require you to miss a few sessions you will have the video back-up.

Will I get to work with Suzanne one-on-one?

This program is Suzanne’s major focus, and she will be very engaged with all the students. Every student will have a 1-1 Human Design coaching session with her during the program. See above for more information about this session.

What will the online community be like?

We use Mighty networks as our powerful community learning platform. This becomes a rich place of learning and sharing with one another between sessions.

Can I do this program if I am not in a leadership position?

Yes. In this program we redefine leadership from a position or role you play to the quality of your presence and influence in the domains of your life.

Honestly, I am afraid of shaking things up

You aren’t alone. Many women are afraid to even imagine a possible future outside of the life they are leading because it would mean acknowledging how their lives really aren’t working for them today. Fear of change and resistance to change are the psyche’s natural way of keeping things the same and they create a kind of immunity to change. So fear is not necessarily bad or a reason not to do the program. In fact it can be a sign that lets you know you are going in the right direction. Let your aspirations, your passion, your hopes — not fear or the inner critic — be in charge of the decision to sign up.

How do I know if this is for me?

Use all of your ways of knowing to sense, feel and think about whether this is the right commitment for you at this time. Start with the hara (gut center of intelligence) then move to the heart and then bring in the head.

Hara (Body Intelligence) Check in with your body: How does the idea of registering land in your body — good and exciting? Body is energized, expansive or excited? These are all good signs.

Heart (Emotional Intelligence) Check in with your feelings: When you consider the program what feelings are ignited? Joy, excitement, hope, possibility, fear of change. All good signs.

Head ( Cognitive Intelligence) Check in with your thoughts: Listen to your own wisdom. Is the ‘you are not good enough’ inner critic the one giving you guidance and saying that you aren’t an emerging Mysterial, or you won’t be able to ‘do it right’ or that the time has to be just right for you to do this? Using the right brain what images of the future arise for you when you imagine doing the program? Does this program align well with your dreams of the future?

This all sounds interesting, but how will this course support me in my pragmatic life?

Women who have experienced the Emergence program report that they feel more confident, happy and clear about their strengths. They find it easier to delegate, work more effectively with others, and can identify what will help them experience more success and fulfillment. They always report both internal and external gains in their personal and professional life. There is a saying that ‘wherever you go there you are’. Women have lived for far too long with the split between who are they are at home and who they are in their professional lives.

Women who work in corporate jobs experience what it means to bring more of themselves to the office. They recognize that caring for themselves and others they work with is not just a feel good idea but leads to more creative and productive teams. They recognize that they can’t do everything and learn that their No’s make space for important Yes’s. They experience more freedom to express themselves authentically. If more women showed up like this is their how they live, love and lead we would have a very different world indeed!

My life and schedule is already so full, I should probably do the course in the future when I have more time. How can I fit this in and will it really help me?

We often see the vessel of our lives as way too full and can’t imagine adding one more thing. This work is actually about increasing the size of your vessel so that you can be more present and available to receive all the elements of your complex life. The truth is that there is no perfect time to do this inner upgrade (just like with our computers) that liberates the next level of our wisdom, love and power. So we often just have to dive in.

We invite you to consider this program more as a container that comes around the life that you are leading already, rather than something you are going out to learn. The way of the Mysterial woman is literally a way of being and doing that is expressed in your everyday life as opposed to something outside of your direct experience that you have to go and get!

What is the estimated time commitment during the program, for the work to be effective?

An average ballpark would be about 30-45 minutes/day on morning / evening practices (you likely already have some of these in place, e.g. meditation/journaling/quiet time). These help form a deeply-supportive container for the transformation.

Then every 2 weeks there is a new Fieldwork document, which has a mix of reading, rituals, online community posts/reading, journaling reflection, etc. It would be wise to plan 4-6 hours over the two weeks, to really engage with this material. Some women break that up into daily time (15-30 minutes/day), or spread it out over a few days throughout each week, or just chunk out a few hours each weekend, all depending on their schedule and preferences.

The program has a nice organizing effect, bringing all of the practices into the container of the program so it’s within the field of your life, rather than something you need to add into an already-full life. It’s not like a grad school commitment – but you will feel like you graduated to a higher level of consciousness and functionality in your own life and in the world.

Join the Waitlist for Emergence 2024

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